Counselling & Consultancy

Counselling for Individuals

We offer counselling, psychiatry, and psychology to individuals who are struggling emotionally or who would just benefit from additional support from a professional. Whether you or your staff are seeking help for an identified need or see counselling and therapy as a preventative measure and a means for maintaining good mental health, Mind Your Health can help.

Our counsellors and coaches are all internationally accredited and experienced. We will work with you to find a means of delivery that works: we offer in-person, online, and telephone appointments to our clients across the world.

PSHE Consultancy for Schools

We work directly with schools to create a bespoke offering that meets their specific needs for PSHE education. We can deliver training on inset days, as walk-in sessions, and as CPD on focused topics from the personal, social, health, and economic studies curriculum.

We can also help with PSHE policy support, whether this involves creating a new policy or revising an existing one.

Our consultants are experienced in both wellbeing and the education sector.

To find out more, please get in touch